If we suspect that your dog has an infection, we will require you to seek advice from your veterinary surgeon before we can begin working with your dog. Any dog that is feeling unwell or is in significant pain from an infection is not going to be happy about being handled. It is important that your dog does not associate his pain or discomfort with being at the grooming salon!
What Happens Next?
You will need to register a new account with us by clicking the 'Register' button above and requesting a 'Mucky Pupz Salon Tour'. We can arrange an appointment for you to come along and meet us, and we can have a chat about your situation. We will take it from there.
We offer 30-minute appointments to begin with, depending on the severity of the problem. It is important to create positive associations for both you and your dog. Your dog may not have been successfully groomed for some time, and so we need to ascertain the order in which to tackle problem areas whilst always having your dog's health and well-being at the forefront of everything we do. On your first appointment, we will decide on what needs to be done as a priority to make your dog more comfortable. Building trust is most important!
All dogs will have different requirements, but generally, we like to concentrate on certain areas first:
Eyes - a dog's eyes should be healthy, bright and free from discharge. Some dogs do have particularly runny eyes, and this isn't usually a cause for concern unless the eyes are red and sore or the discharge is greenish in colour and sticky. The skin near the corners of the eye is prone to infection as hardened discharge harbours dirt and bacteria. Hardened discharge can also cause the fur in the area to become quite hard and sharp. If this is pointing towards the eye, it can cause irritation and, in some cases, damage the cornea, leading to ulcers.
Ears - Ear infections are common in dogs that haven't been groomed for some time. The hair will have grown inside the ear canal and on the inside of the ear flap, reducing air flow significantly; the warmth and moisture are a good breeding ground for bacteria.
Skin infections - matted fur/hair can trap dirt and debris, prevent adequate airflow, is slow to dry and can cause hotspots on the skin. A dog's usual response is to chew and lick at the area, causing more irritation. It is common for infections to be hidden underneath the matted area.
Feet and nails - often, a dog's nails are overgrown and inevitably painful. An overgrown nail will push back into the nail bed, causing much pain and discomfort. The dog will most likely dislike their feet being touched at all, making trimming very difficult. The nail grows in a circular way and will, if left, eventually grow back towards the pads underneath the foot. In extreme cases, the nail can penetrate the pad, which is excruciatingly painful and may require veterinary intervention. ​
​As the nail grows, so does the quick (a vein that runs through the nail). A nail that is significantly overgrown needs to be reduced in length slowly over time to allow the quick to reduce back. This may require weekly visits until the nail is at a more acceptable length. In more extreme circumstances, surgical intervention may be required.​
Sanitary areas - when a dog's coat is overgrown and matted, inevitably, urine and faeces will become trapped, causing bad odours. Urine will burn the skin and can cause skin infections and bladder infections, particularly in females. ​